française de 1830
régime politique était en place avant la révolution?
régime politique qui était en place avant la Révolution était la
« Seconde
sont les causes de cette révolution ?
des élections de 1827, les libéraux deviennent majoritaires à
et Charles
a engagé un premier-ministre entre ses opinions ultra et
l'orientation de la nouvelle chambre. Il appelle le Vicomte de
Martignac pour former un ministère semi-libéral, semi-autoritaire.
Mais, continuant sur sa lancée, l'opposition libérale s'agrandit et
- Le régime politique après la Révolution.
régime politique qui était en place après la Révolution était la
« Monarchie
de Juillet
of important people of the Revolution
Charles X:
He was the grand-son of Louis XV and the brother of Louis XVI and Louis XVIII. He was the oldest crowned king of France. He was born in 1757 in Versailles and died in 1836 in exile in Italy. He was the last of the Bourbon kings. He was a cheerful young man, taking part to the festivities of Queen Marie-Antoinette. He became interested in politics at the age of 29. During the Revolution of 1789, he lived in exile in Italy, Belgium or England. When his brother Louis XVIII became king after the defeat of Napoleon, Charles decided to remain discreet but secretly he leads an ultra-royalist group. When his brother dies, he becomes king himself but was forced to abdicate on the second of August 1830. He then lives for Italy and later Slovenia where he died of cholera in 1836.
du Motier called La Fayette:
He was born on the 6th of
September 1757 and died on the 20th of May 1834 at 76
years old. His father was called Michel Louis Christophe du Motier
and his mother was called Marie Louise Jolie de la Rivière. When he
was twelve years old, he became an orphan, some days later, he became
rich by his grandfather (25 000 £). He studied in the college du
Plessis. He was proud. He was with the liberals. In the revolution,
he directed the liberals for the victory. Important person in the American Revolutionary war and during the French revolution of 1789, he was honored during the 1830 revolution. He became the leader of the National Guard for a few months but after a disagreement with Louis Philippe, he decided to resign.
5) La Révolution:
matin du 28 juillet, les parisiens ont pris les armes et commencent
la révolution qui est au départ une émeute. 10
000 hommes ont pillés les armureries et ont commencé le siège de
Paris. Ils ont encerclé les soldats pour prendre possession de
l'hôtel de ville où ils hissent l'actuel drapeau de la France.
6) La
fuite de Charles X.
par les révolutionnaires, il s'exile à une commune nommée
Rambouillet. A sa place, Louis-Philippe devient roi et se proclame
Roi des Français et non roi de la France. Ceci marque l'adoption du
nouveau drapeau.
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