Glorieuse Révolution Anglaise (1688-1689)
révolution Anglaise a eu lieu à cause du catholicisme (et de la
séparation avec Rome pendant le règne de Henry VIII) et aussi à
cause de l'avènement du Roi Jaques II, descendant Stuart et catholique.
22 décembre 1688, le roi Jacques II Stuart est chassé de Londres et
s'enfuit sur le continent, à la cour de Louis XIV, car il n'a pas
voulu subir le même sort que son père Charles I qui fut décapité.
la révolution, 3 300 Huguenots sont partis des Provinces-Unies des
Pays-Bas pour y participer.
cette révolution le régime politique était une monarchie. Ils installèrent à la tête du gouvernement leur champion, le roi Guillaume d'Orange, lui même roi de Hollande et marié à Marie II d'Angleterre, la fille de Jacques II. Avec l'avènement de Guillaume d'Orange et de la reine Marie, le protestantisme (Anglican) s'installe définitivement en Angleterre.
Famous People:
James II
A.K.A. the second Stuart King of England. James II was born on
October 14th, 1633 and died on September 16th, 1701 (at the age of 67
years old ). His father's name was Charles I (who was beheaded in the
previous revolution) and his mother was Henriette de France. He was
baptized by the Archbishop of Canterbury, during the Glorious
Revolution, James II escaped not to deal with revolutionaries
because they wanted his head too.
Willem van Oranje A.K.A William III was born November 14, 1650 and
died March 8, 1702 at the age of 51. His parents were William II of
Orange-Nassau (his father) and Mary Henrietta (his mother). His
education was provided by the Dutch governesses. He had the character
of a prince. During the Glorious Revolution, William III was on the
side of the Dutch he directed. Married to Mary of England, the daughter of James II, He claimed the Britisg throne and was helped by anglicans who didn't want a catholic king anymore.
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